Saturday, March 31, 2012


"From Eaton's Paleolithic nutrition work in particular, he learned that diabetes first appeared in humans about the same time they discovered agriculture.
"A natural diet is what is edible when you are naked with a sharp stick."

Eaton has published studies on remains of Paleolithic man purporting to show that almost none of the immune system disorders that afflict modern man, including diabetes and arthritis, were present back then. Studies of modern-day hunter-gatherers living in the African bush, he says, show they have very low serum cholesterol levels and rarely suffer from heart disease. Paleolithic man -- if he didn't die from an infection or get eaten by a wild animal -- could expect to live a very long life, says Eaton, without many of the disorders that affect us today."

Whole Foods "Organic" Bait and Switch.

Whole Food's Dirty Little Secret: Most of the So-Called "Natural" Processed Foods and Animal Products They Sell Are Contaminated with GMOs!

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Bacon’s primary asset is its fat, and that fat— surprise! – is primarily monounsaturated. Fifty percent of the fat in bacon is monounsaturated, mostly consisting of oleic acid, the type so valued in olive oil. About three percent of that is palmitoleic acid, a monounsaturate with valuable antimicrobial properties. About 40 percent of bacon fat is saturated, a level that worries fat phobics, but is the reason why bacon fat is relatively stable and unlikely to go rancid under normal storage and cooking conditions. That’s important, given the fact that the remaining 10 percent is in the valuable but unstable form of polyunsaturates.7
Pork fat also contains a novel form of phosophatidyl choline that possesses antioxidant activity superior to Vitamin E. This may be one reason why lard and bacon fat are relatively stable and unprone to rancidity from free radicals.8
Bacon fat from pastured pigs also comes replete with fat-soluble vitamin D, provided it’s bacon from foraging pigs that romp outdoors in the sun for most of year. Factory-farmed pigs kept indoors and fed rations from soy, corn meal, casein, and other grains, are likely to show low levels of Vitamin D.

Then why do so many health experts condemn bacon and other cured meats because of their nitrite content? Well, why do fats and cholesterol still get a bum rap? The reason is bad studies and worse publicity, with the latest shoddy work out of Harvard a prime example. According to Dr. Bryan, the body of studies show only a “weak association” with evidence that is “inconclusive.” As he puts it, “This paradigm needs revisiting in the face of undisputed health benefits of nitrite- and nitrate-enriched diets.” 49
So what’s the last word on America’s favorite meat? Indulge bacon lust freely, know that the science is catching up, the media lags behind, and, as usual, our ancestors got it right.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Nutrition and Metabolism Society

Fighting the Mainstream Misinformation on Diabetes and Obesity

The Society believes specifically that the therapeutic potential of carbohydrate-restricted diets for the treatment of diabetes and obesity is under-investigated and under-utilized.
The Society seeks to support research in this area, with the goal of improving the lives of those suffering from these conditions.
Our overall mission is to improve the current and inadequate nutritional guidelines and to see that sound scientific information is provided for the public.
With your help we will succeed. Join the Society and help us set the record straight.

Top Ten Low Carb MythsMyth #1: Carbohydrate restricted diets eliminate fruit, vegetables and all other carbohydrates.
Richard Bernstein QuoteFalse. Carbohydrate restricted diets do not eliminate nutritionally dense vegetables and fruit. In fact, people following this diet eat more vegetables and eat them more frequently. Fruit such as berries can be consumed in moderate amounts.
Myth #2: Low carb diets can cause kidney or liver damage because of the increase in protein consumption.
Not true. According to this study, there were no harmful effects from a high protein diet in healthy individuals. Furthermore, low carb diets are high fat, moderate protein diets, and although protein and fat intake are increased as carbohydrate intake drops, the amounts recommended are not harmful to the kidneys or liver. This study shows that a low carb, ketogenic diet can actually help the kidneys heal.
Myth #3: Weight loss on controlled carbohydrate eating plans is caused by calorie restriction.
Actually, there seems to be a “metabolic advantage” from low carb diets in which the resulting weight loss is more than can be explained simply by the reduction in calories. “Biologically speaking, a calorie is certainly not a calorie.” (Manninen 2004)
Myth #4: Controlled carbohydrate programs promote cardiac risk.
Quite the opposite. According to many studies, (1, 2, 3) controlled carbohydrate programs reduce markers for cardiac risk, including reducing blood pressure, fasting glucose, triglycerides and inflammation and increasing HDL cholesterol. In one study performed at Stanford, a low carb diet performed better than three other higher-carb, lower-fat diets in nearly all markers of cardiac risk factors.
Myth #5: Controlled carbohydrate programs are short-term only, and not suitable for long-term adherence.
Many followers of controlled carbohydrate programs consider it a lifestyle. This study followed low carb dieters for three years and concluded that long-term weight maintenance is possible on a low carb diet.
Myth #6: Controlled carbohydrate plans do not promote fat loss, but cause loss of protein/lean body mass and total body water.
False. Controlled carbohydrate plans favorably affect body composition. In this study, participants following a low carb diet lost more fat and less lean body mass compared to those following a low fat diet.
Myth #7: Glucose is the only fuel the brain can use, therefore the body needs dietary glucose in the form of carbohydrates.
Incorrect. “Brain cells are metabolically flexible because they can derive energy from both glucose and ketone bodies (made from fatty acids).” (Seyfried 2003) While the brain does require some glucose to function (which can be made through gluconeogenesis), the majority of its fuel can come from ketones, which are made from fatty acids.
Myth #8: Controlled carbohydrate eating regimens are deficient in vitamins and minerals.
Controlled carbohydrate eating programs allow followers to eat nutritionally dense meat eggs, vegetables, and fruit. By making good food choices, those following a low-carb lifestyle can avoid any nutritional deficiencies.
Myth #9: Weight maintenance is impossible on a controlled carbohydrate eating program.
Wrong. The authors of this study, which followed low carb dieters for three years, stated that “it is possible to achieve and maintain long-term weight loss using a low-carbohydrate diet.”
Myth #10: Ketogenic diets are dangerous.
Much to the contrary. This study found no harmful effects from a chronic ketogenic diet. In addition, the ketogenic diet is being studied for its neuroprotective effects and as therapy for conditions such as Alzheimer’s, cancer, Parkinson’s, diabetes and epilepsy.

Low Carb, High Fat Diet!

Dietary advice

Eat all you like

  • Meat: Any type. Beef, pork, game meat, chicken. The fat on the meat is good as well as skin on the chicken. Try to choose organic or grass fed meat if you can.
  • Fish and shellfish: All kinds. Fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel or herring are great. Avoid breading.
  • Eggs: All kinds. Boiled, fried, omelettes. Preferably organic eggs.
  • Natural fat, fat sauces: Using butter and cream when you cook can make your food taste better and make you more satiated. BĂ©arnaise, Hollandaise, read on the packages or make it yourself. Coconut fat, olive oil and canola oil are also good options.
  • Vegetables growing above ground: All kinds of cabbage, such as cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts. Asparagus, zucchini, eggplant, olives, spinach, mushrooms, cucumber, lettuce, avocado, onions, peppers, tomatoes and more.
  • Dairy products: Always select high fat options. Real butter, cream (40% fat), sour cream, fat cheese. Turkish yogurt. Be careful with regular milk and skim milk as it contains a lot of milk sugar. Avoid flavored, sugary and low fat products.
  • Nuts: Good to eat instead of candy in front of the television (preferably in moderation).
  • Berries: Okay in moderation, if you are not a super strict /-sensitive. Good with whipped cream.

Avoid if you can

  • Sugar: The worst. Soft drinks, candy, juice, sports drinks, chocolate, cakes, buns, pastries, ice cream, breakfast cereals. Preferably avoid sweeteners as well.
  • Starch: Bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, french fries, potato chips, porridge, muesli and so on. »Wholemeal products” are just less bad. Moderate amounts of root vegetables may be OK if you’re not too strict with the carbohydrates.
  • Margarine: Industrially imitated butter with unnaturally high content of omega-6 fat. Has no health benefits, tastes bad. Statistically linked to asthma, allergies and other inflammatory diseases.
  • Beer: Liquid bread. Full of malt sugar, unfortunately.
  • Fruit: Very sweet, plenty of sugar. Eat once in a while, treat it as a natural form of candy.

Dr. Oz is a Blithering Idiot.

Here’s the stupidest weight loss product I’ve seen this year. It looks like infomercial junk from the fat phobic 80′s. Instead it was recently shown on the popular American health show Dr Oz – which says a lot about the quality of the advice there.
The Fat Magnet works by you first freezing your food into a block of ice (I’m not joking) after which it can remove some of the fat from the top of the ice/food. Of course some of the flavor and fat soluble vitamins disappears as well. And the food will be less satisfying, so you’ll probably eat more. Perhaps you’ll end up gaining weight.
The Fat Magnet and other fat phobic junk on the dr Oz Show
Beside all the other reasons why this is stupid it’s also bad for the environment to throw away good food.
Earlier diet scams

Either Dr.Oz is a blithering idiot, which I doubt because he made it through medical school, or he really does not care about helping people overcome obesity related issues.  Dr.Oz must only care about filling TV time up with silly nonsense.  He told Oprah that her diet failed because she did not love herself enough, maybe the diet failed her, maybe Dr.Oz should focus on evolutionary biology to learn why it failed Oprah. 

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

One Million Demand GMO Labeling!

Congratulations, together, we have made history. We now stand more than one million strong in asking the FDA to label genetically engineered (GE) foods. Today, March 27 is the date that the FDA is required to respond to the petition and it took us less than 180 days to accumulate a record breaking number of public comments—a testament to the power of our collective voices to demand our right to know what’s in our food. This campaign’s strength is due to the over 500 diverse partner organizations who helped galvanize the American people to this moment.
We know that one million is just a start. Today, a new national survey commissioned by Just Label It reveals that more than nine out of 10 of Americans across the political spectrum supports labeling food that has been genetically engineered. The new infographic below is a compelling visual that shares the results of the survey data.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Aspartame Feeds Cancer.

"Aspartame works as an excitotoxin, stimulating a response in cells to simulate the effects of sweetness without actually being sweet. Over exertion of these cells leads to the various health conditions that currently wreak havoc on the public.

Excitotoxins have been found to stimulate cancer growth and metastasis. Aspartame, essentially, feeds cancer cells. If this weren't enough to convince y...ou to drop the diet soda habit, the process by which aspartame is made involves a highly toxic and volatile and genetically engineered form of bacteria waste - hardly something that would be considered safe by a reasonable standard.

And yet, the 'safe and reasonable' FDA has approved aspartame for use. Knowing the gamut of health risks that aspartame is responsible for, and knowing the history of FDA approved products, your health becomes your own responsibility."

Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Importance of Saturated Fats

How much total saturated do we need? During the 1970s, researchers from Canada found that animals fed rapeseed oil and canola oil developed heart lesions. This problem was corrected when they added saturated fat to the animals diets. On the basis of this and other research, they ultimately determined that the diet should contain at least 25 percent of fat as saturated fat. Among the food fats that they tested, the one found to have the best proportion of saturated fat was lard, the very fat we are told to avoid under all circumstances!
These are some of the complex but vital reasons we need to include palm oil, coconut oil, butter and lard in our diets.

The Global Obesity Problem Map.

Tom Naughton great 20 min video

If you haven’t seen this recent lecture (20 min) by brilliant stand-up comic and food blogger Tom Naughton yet, you should. It’s about the future and how more and more people turn away from obsolete official high-carb eating guidelines. How people seek out better advice online. And how this evolution is unstoppable.
Unless the official nutrition advice is updated to something that actually works, more and more people are simple going to ignore it.
Tom Naughton’s blog (well worth reading)
PS: Vox Populi means “voice of the people”.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Forefoot Running Improves Pain and Disability Associated With Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome.

Forefoot Running Improves Pain and Disability Associated With Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome.



Anterior compartment pressures of the leg as well as kinematic and kinetic measures are significantly influenced by running technique. It is unknown whether adopting a forefoot strike technique will decrease the pain and disability associated with chronic exertional compartment syndrome (CECS) in hindfoot strike runners.


For people who have CECS, adopting a forefoot strike running technique will lead to decreased pain and disability associated with this condition.


Case series; Level of evidence, 4.


Ten patients with CECS indicated for surgical release were prospectively enrolled. Resting and postrunning compartment pressures, kinematic and kinetic measurements, and self-report questionnaires were taken for all patients at baseline and after 6 weeks of a forefoot strike running intervention. Run distance and reported pain levels were recorded. A 15-point global rating of change (GROC) scale was used to measure perceived change after the intervention.


After 6 weeks of forefoot run training, mean postrun anterior compartment pressures significantly decreased from 78.4 ± 32.0 mm Hg to 38.4 ± 11.5 mm Hg. Vertical ground-reaction force and impulse values were significantly reduced. Running distance significantly increased from 1.4 ± 0.6 km before intervention to 4.8 ± 0.5 km 6 weeks after intervention, while reported pain while running significantly decreased. The Single Assessment Numeric Evaluation (SANE) significantly increased from 49.9 ± 21.4 to 90.4 ± 10.3, and the Lower Leg Outcome Survey (LLOS) significantly increased from 67.3 ± 13.7 to 91.5 ± 8.5. The GROC scores at 6 weeks after intervention were between 5 and 7 for all patients. One year after the intervention, the SANE and LLOS scores were greater than reported during the 6-week follow-up. Two-mile run times were also significantly faster than preintervention values. No patient required surgery.


In 10 consecutive patients with CECS, a 6-week forefoot strike running intervention led to decreased postrunning lower leg intracompartmental pressures. Pain and disability typically associated with CECS were greatly reduced for up to 1 year after intervention. Surgical intervention was avoided for all patients.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Barefoot Running Documentary

"There was a period of transition where I had all sorts of soreness in my feet and my calves," said Thompson, who does not believe people should run more than a few kilometres in bare feet. "But very quickly that disappeared and I got used to landing on my forefoot."
The knee pain that he had been struggling with eventually disappeared too.
"I was healed," he said. "I run without pain now and the crisis I was having as a runner before I started the project seems to have disappeared."

Early humans, the film explains, didn't have speed on their side but were able to survive thanks to their unmatched endurance that allowed them to outrun their prey.
The documentary says our ancestors became "persistence hunters" who could run down other animals to the point of exhaustion.
"Humans are built to run," said Thompson. "On a hot day, we can outrun all the animals in our environment."
Thompson also takes his cameras to Chukotka in northeastern Russia, where he spends time with a remote community of nomadic reindeer herders. For them, running with their animals is necessary for survival

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Why The Brain Needs Cholesterol

Why the brain needs cholesterol:

There is a direct correlation between the concentration of cholesterol in the brain, particularly in the myelin, and how well the brain functions.

The brain is the most cholesterol-rich organ in the body.
In the central nervous system (CNS), essentially all (99.5%) cholesterol is the free or unesterified form (unattached to fatty acids).

The majority (70%) of cholesterol present in the CNS is believed to reside in the myelin (the material that insulates the nerve fibers) sheaths and the plasma membranes of astrocytes (brain support cells) and neurons.

Half of the white matter, which contains the nerve axons that allow for transmission of brain signals, may be composed of cholesterol-rich myelin.

The Food We Eat...

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Study Linking Carbohydrate, Particularly Starch Intake Associated with Risk for Breast Cancer Recurrence.

  • Increased carbohydrate intake was associated with a higher rate of breast cancer recurrence.
  • Changes in starch intake comprised 48 percent of changes in carbohydrate intake.
  • Dietary modifications targeting starch intake warrant further research.
SAN ANTONIO — Researchers have linked increased starch intake to a greater risk for breast cancer recurrence, according to results presented at the 2011 CTRC-AACR San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, held Dec. 6-10, 2011.

“The results show that it’s not just overall carbohydrates, but particularly starch,” said Jennifer A. Emond, M.S., a public health doctoral student at the University of California, San Diego. “Women who increased their starch intake over one year were at a much likelier risk for recurring.”

Researchers conducted a subset analysis of 2,651 women who participated in the Women’s Healthy Eating and Living (WHEL) Dietary Intervention Trial, a plant-based intervention trial that enrolled about 3,088 survivors of breast cancer. WHEL researchers studied breast cancer recurrence and followed the participants for an average of seven years.

Robb Wolf's Response to the "Red Meat Will Kill" News Report.

Somewhere along the line “red meat” became the Red Scare of the nutritional world. It has saturated fat (gasp!) and comes from an animal! Case closed. Except that we can’t seem to hang much of anything on the saturated fat villain and if you put meat in a nutrition analyzer, you find it’s one of the most nutritious foods you can eat. The fact you can live on meat exclusively and indefinitely seems to get lost in the shuffle. And please, please do not bring up cultures that eat a lot of meat yet are quite healthy. That would require talking about “mechanisms” and doing legit metabolic ward studies. Crazy talk! I mean, things Like the Nurses Health Study already “showed” that the more meat and fat women ate the healthier they were, right? Folks really want to believe in this “meat=bad” idea, despite all the evidence to the contrary. Don’t fall for it.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Functional Medicine Expert, Dr. Peter Osborne discusses gluten, grain, lectins and autoimmune disease on Fox News

 Functional Medicine Expert, Dr. Peter Osborne discusses gluten, grain, lectins and autoimmune disease on Fox News. 

Red Meat Headline Scare Tactics Debunked.

In summary
There are numerous key problems with this study – I’ll share seven:
1) This study can at best suggest an observed relationship, or association. To make allegations about causation and risk is ignorant and erroneous.
2) The numbers are very small. The overall risk of dying was not even one person in a hundred over a 28 year study. If the death rate is very small, a possible slightly higher death rate in certain circumstances is still very small. It does not warrant a scare-tactic, 13% greater risk of dying headline – this is ‘science’ at its worst.
3) Several other critical variables showed correlation with death rates – lack of activity, low cholesterol, BMI, smoking, diabetes, calorie intake and alcohol intake. These have not been excluded to isolate meat consumption alone. The raw data actually shows deaths rates falling with increased meat consumption up to the third or fourth quintile – and this is before all the other variables have been allowed for. This would suggest that meat consumption has a protective effect while weight, alcohol, calorie intake, exercise and so on are all taking their toll.
4) Several other critical variables were not measured, which would logically correlate with certain meat consumption. Unprocessed meat inexplicably included sandwiches, curries, hamburgers (which come in buns) – has the correlation with bread, margarine, white rice, egg fried rice, poppadoms, burger buns, ketchup, relish or even fizzy drinks been correlated with the death rates? Indeed, Frank Hu, one of the authors of this meat study, is also quoted in today’s paper saying that one soft drink a day raises the risk of heart attacks.  It doesn’t of course – it is association at best, just as the meat article is – but one does wonder if that harmful soft drink was the one that just happened to be consumed with the hamburger or the bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich ‘meal deal’?!
5) Hamburgers and pork sandwiches or lamb curries have been included as unprocessed meat. This is not a study of what real food devotees would consider unprocessed meat therefore. May I suggest that a study of consumers of grass fed ruminants would not deliver the desired headline? The lamb and beef grazing in the fields around me in Wales could not be farther in health benefits than hamburgers in buns and hot dogs in white rolls in fast food America.
6) We are all going to die. We have 100% risk of it in fact. We are not going to increase this risk by 13% or 20% if we have a hamburger and certainly not if we have a grass fed nutrient rich steak. This is headline grabbing egotistical academics doing their worst.
7) As I always consider conflict of interest, it would be remiss of me to end without noting that one of the authors (if not more) is known to be vegetarian and speaks at vegetarian conferences[ii] and the invited ‘peer’ review of the article has been done by none other than the man who claims the credit for having turned ex-President Clinton into a vegan – Dean Ornish.[iii]
All of this nonsense has given me an appetite, so I’m off to get my complete protein and essential fats plus the full range of B vitamins, ample fat soluble vitamins and lashings of iron, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc – also known as grass fed steak!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Steps to Eliminate Sugar.

Sugar is completely non-nutritive, terribly acid-forming to our system, pro-inflammatory, fuels yeast, fungus, cancer, contributes to depression, and raises triglycerides and cholesterol. If that doesn’t raise an eyebrow, sugar also breaks down the collagen in your skin and ages you more quickly than you need to.

You will be more motivated to let go of sugar once you really understand and accept the negative effects it has on your health. A few resources include, the book Sugar Blues by William Dufty, the NY Times Magazine article Is Sugar Toxic? by Gary Taubes, and the video Sugar: The Bitter Truth by Dr. Robert Lustig.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sugar Shock!!

Early humans ate about 4 pounds of sugar a year. By comparison, in 2008, the average American ate 136 pounds of sugar in the form of white sugar (cane sugar and beet sugar), corn sweeteners, honey, molasses and other syrups. That boils down to roughly 22 teaspoons of sugar per person per day.

Lifelong Health Starts Here.

Paleo Diet in the Media

IBS and SIBO Info.

The Paleo Diet removes common gut-irritating foods like grains, dairy, and legumes from your plate. But what should you do if your digestive symptoms persist? Dr. Siebecker — an expert on IBS and Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth — shows you how to tweak your diet to suit your personal digestive needs

Friday, March 9, 2012

Mark's Daily Apple with another Inspirational Story!

Inspirational story, yet another paleo/primal success story.  This is probably the best web site in existence to guide someone through a paleo/primal ifestyle change from any stage to any goal.  Mark Sisson is a beast!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Great Article by Joel Salatin.

Joel Salatin, BA, is a fulltime farmer in Virginia’s Shenandoah Valley. A third generation alternative farmer, he returned to the farm full time in 1982 and continued refining and adding to his parents’ ideas. His farm supplies more than 800 families and 30 restaurants with Salad Bar Beef, Eggmobile Eggs, Pigaerator Pork, pastured poultry and turkey, forage-based rabbits, and forestry products through on-farm sales, metropolitan buying clubs, and relationship marketing.
The family’s farm, Polyface Inc. (“The Farm of Many Faces”) has been featured in Smithsonian Magazine, National Geographic, and Gourmet. Profiled on the Lives of the 21st Century series with Peter Jennings, his after-broadcast chat room fielded more hits than any other segment to date. His speaking and writing reflect dirt-under-the-fingernails experience punctuated with mischievous humor. He passionately defends small farms, local food systems, and the right to opt out of the conventional food paradigm.
Salatin holds a BA degree in English and writes extensively in magazines such as Stockman Grass Farmer, Acres USA, and American Agriculturalist. He has written five books: Pastured Poultry Profits, Salad Bar Beef, You Can Farm and Family Friendly Farming. His most recent release is Holy Cows and Hog Heaven: The Food Buyer’s Guide to Farm Friendly Food. All can be obtained from Acres USA at (800) 355-5313.

John Update 60 lbs in 4 months!

This is my personal training client John Cervera at 4 months on the Paleo Diet he has lost over 60 pounds now and is well on his way to his goal of losing 100 lbs of bodyfat this year, improving his health and staying off of statins and blood pressure medications.  I am very proud of John for what he has accomplished and wish him continued success, from now on his updates will be about how lean and strong he is getting and not just about weight loss.  John has been close to perfect on the Paleo diet and on his workout regimen which is very moderate compared to something extreme like The Biggest Loser tv show.  John's workout routine is to walk one hour a day and to do 2-3 fullbody workouts a week that are about an hour long, John likes to play basketball so he can replace walking with that if he pleases.  This is the power of the Paleo Diet and an exercise plan that works with your body, with how we evolved instead of trying to beat the pounds off and starve ourselves to weight loss.   

Guest Blogger David Haas! Exercise Suggestions for Cancer Survivors.

Choose Your Exercise Carefully
Science Daily reports cancer patients, who were once told to rest and to avoid straining themselves during and after treatment, are now being instructed to become more energetic through exercise. If you are in the process of recovering from mesothelioma, or even if treatment is fairly far in your past, you may feel a little nervous about the idea of exercise. Recovering from cancer takes a lot of energy and if you have never really exercised before, you may not know where to begin. If you’ve never been the sort to go to the gym, consider these alternatives for getting fit.
Mall Walking
Mall walking allows you to walk in a sheltered environment while having plenty to see and do. Conveniently enough, many malls are even set up a lot like a track, with an open area in the middle. Walk a few rounds at the mall early in the morning and you’ll find that walking in general seems a lot less daunting. Hook a pedometer to your leg to figure out how far you are going. If you want to add a fun motivational aspect to it, match your distance to a map; try walking across the state, or even the country!
Martial Arts
Martial arts help you get fit while also teaching you to defend yourself. They are a great way to instill more confidence in yourself and they also help you trust your body when you might have trouble doing so. Find a martial art that matches your philosophy. For example, tae kwon do is a Korean martial art that tends to have a slightly militaristic bent, while aikido is a Japanese martial art that emphasizes self-defense and slower, flowing movements. Look into the martial arts centers near you to guide your search.
While most people associate dancing with clubs, the truth of the matter is that dancing can also be phenomenally good exercise. Belly dance, for example, can be enjoyed by both men and women who are looking to become more graceful and more flexible, while partnered dances like the waltz, the tango and the foxtrot are classic dances that allow you to work incorporating your own style into the movements. Partnered dances are also a great way to reconnect with your significant other while you are recovering from medical issues. Dancing has something to appeal to everyone; if you are feeling a little nervous, why not try private lessons, where it is just you and the teacher?
Getting fit after cancer is not easy. There are going to be bumps in the road, and you’ll discover that there are just going to be some days where you don’t feel like it. Be gentle with yourself, but get the exercise you need!

Paleo Declaration of Independence.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Scary Stuff about Microwaving Food

It has been known for some years that the problem with microwaved anything is not the radiation people used to worry about, it’s how it corrupts the DNA in the food so the body can not recognize it.
Microwaves don’t work different ways on different substances. Whatever you put into the microwave suffers the same destructive process. Microwaves agitate the molecules to move faster and faster. This movement causes friction which denatures the original make-up of the substance. It results in destroyed vitamins, minerals, proteins and generates the new stuff called radiolytic compounds, things that are not found in nature.

Prepared By: William P. Kopp
A. R. E. C. Research Operations
Ten Reasons to dispose off your Microwave Oven
From the conclusions of the Swiss, Russian and German scientific clinical studies, we can no longer ignore the microwave oven sitting in our kitchens. Based on this research, one can conclude this article with the following:
1). Continually eating food processed from a microwave oven causes long term – permanent – brain damage by ‘shorting out’ electrical impulses in the brain [de-polarizing or de-magnetizing the brain tissue].
2). The human body cannot metabolize [break down] the unknown by-products created in microwaved food.
3). Male and female hormone production is shut down and/or altered by continually eating microwaved foods.
4). The effects of microwaved food by-products are residual [long term, permanent] within the human body.
5). Minerals, vitamins, and nutrients of all microwaved food is reduced or altered so that the human body gets little or no benefit, or the human body absorbs altered compounds that cannot be broken down.
6). The minerals in vegetables are altered into cancerous free radicals when cooked in microwave ovens.
7). Microwaved foods cause stomach and intestinal cancerous growths [tumours]. This may explain the rapidly increased rate of colon cancer in UK and America .
8). The prolonged eating of microwaved foods causes cancerous cells to increase in human blood.
9). Continual ingestion of microwaved food causes immune system deficiencies through lymph gland and blood serum alterations.
10). Eating microwaved food causes loss of memory, concentration, emotional instability, and a decrease of intelligence.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Eliminate Low Back Pain Naturally with The McKenzie Method

The McKenzie Method can cure neck and low back pain naturally through stretches, exercises and improvements in posture.

I cured my own herniated discs using the McKenzie Method after all other therapy had failed and surgery was recommended.  The beauty of the McKenzie Method is that it works better than anything including surgery and anyone can do it by themselves once they learn how and why.  I recommend purchasing Rorin McKenzie's book

FDA Admits Statins Cause Diabetes and Memory Loss