Sunday, May 13, 2012

In Defense of Fat

The more we try to fix the obesity epidemic, the bigger we become.
"In Defense of Fat" clarifies the complex relationship between human evolutionary history and the science - and politics - of nutrition and health. The film is firmly rooted in current scientific research on Ancestral Health, a theory which proposes that the human body is not adapted to an agricultural diet, and especially not to the many processed foods in our daily lives. As a result, 'healthy' low fat diets and "essential" carbohydrates may actually increase rates of diabetes and obesity, and dietary fat may not be to blame for our expanding waistlines.
Despite cultural beliefs to the contrary, current metabolic research has proven that obesity is not the result of poor self-care, ignorance, or a lack of self-control. This issue warrants a more nuanced look, taking government policy, agribusiness and current theories on nutrition into consideration. "In Defense of Fat" turns the microscope on media and medical research, deconstructing the "diet talk" that informs and misinforms while shaping our understanding of bodies, size, health.

The sensational language and divisive attitude that characterizes discussions about obesity has made it difficult to make informed decisions about our health, bodies, and weight. Understanding the political, cultural, historical, and evolutionary context that has brought us to our current state is crucial if we want to improve health on a culture-wide scale. This film allows people of all sizes an introduction to a new way of thinking about food, metabolism, diet, weight, fitness and, of course, fat.

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